Project Management

From small projects to large projects, we assign the same extreme importance to all scopes of projects.

Turn-Key Projects include the Audit (Lighting, Non-Lighting, or both),Designs, Action Plan (Or Proposal), Rebate Processing, Measurement & Verification (M&V, Basic or Enhanced), Pre-Approval Confirmation, Project Planning, Material Delivery, Pre-Installation Scheduling, Installation, and Post Verification, and Post-Project Rebate Processing.

What is a Turn-Key Project?

A Turn-Key project is one in which a client relies on us to manage all aspects of a project.

That is, including the initial audit, then to the proposal, and then to include the rebate approval, ordering of materials, installation of materials, removal and recycling of old equipment, and then rebate payment processing stage.

In other words, the client doesn’t have to do anything other than award us the project and pay the invoices we submit.