Energy Audits

To manage energy, we need to measure and qualify its use.

The aim of the audit is to understand and evaluate
existing energy use,
and identify opportunities
for savings.

What we do

Our Energy Audits are standardized by ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers) and the AEE (Association of Energy Engineers.) They range from Level 0 to Level 3 and Intensive Grade Audits.

To conduct the range of audits, we have staffed Energy Engineers that are Certified Energy Managers, Certified Energy Auditors, and Certified Measurement & Verification Professionals.

The scope of the audit will depend on the details required. Higher level Audits include the utilization of an Electronic 3-Phase RMS Meter for sub-metering machinery, motors, HVAC Systems, and monitoring electrical main and sub panels.

What you get

Energy Audits typically include Electricity Billing Analysis and accounting for all major equipment contributing to a facility’s energy consumption such as:

  • Lighting
  • HVAC (Heating Cooling and Air Conditioning)
  • Resistive Loads
  • Plug-In Loads
  • Transformers
  • Power Factor
  • Power Quality